5 Things To Think About If You’re A Guest On A Yacht

5 Things To Think About If You’re A Guest On A Yacht

The summery Sydney weather keeps on coming! If you’ve never been on a yacht and are curious about how it all works, then this article is for you. Let’s give a quick introduction to yachting:

Yachts are the staple of a luxury lifestyle and Sydney society. A yacht is a very costly investment for the owner, requiring the best of care and upkeep. There’s fuel, crew, maintenance and harbour spot.. and that’s just getting started.

The peak season for yachting on Sydney Harbour is between November to April. Towards May and June heading into winter, bigger yachts travel north to Queensland; some go to the Gold Coast, some to the Whitsunday Islands, some to Cairns and other spots along the way. Check out our website EXCLUSIVE GETAWAY 

There are some do’s and dont’s for being a guest on a yacht. Whether you’re staying on the boat for a while, or just stopping by for a party, there are some things to think about!


Shoes off

This is a universal rule at sea: No shoes on deck. We like to call it, “barefoot luxury”. When you are planning your outfit for the day, make sure you do not revolve it around your footwear. Yes, even fabulous yacht parties where everyone is dressed up to the nines are included.

The rule is in place because shoes damage the soft teak wooden decks. My advice is to plan your outfits so that they look good even without shoes, and perhaps time booking in for those pedicures prior to the charter date.


Treat the crew with respect

The crew on yachts have incredible skill in making an experience appear very seamless; but trust that behind the scenes they are cooking, cleaning, and doing everything possible to make your stay as smooth, safe and relaxing as possible. You want to show them appreciation and kindness. They are there to help you. Always maintain good etiquette and manners. Everyone wins when you are thankful and polite to all on board.


Don’t be a diva

I get it. You’re on a yacht. It inspires a feeling! But don’t let it get to your head. Just be normal and be yourself. Enjoy yourself, be that person people want to invite back. Be kind to other people, thank the host and crew, and be friendly to the other guests on the boat.


Ask for permission

A yacht is just like someone’s house, you’ve got to treat it with the same respect. If you’re there for a party, you can’t just text your friends to join without asking the host and crew first. The same goes for wandering around the boat “exploring rooms” that might be off limits for guests. Every boat has different licence survey capacities that they are required to keep. Stay in the guest area, and if you’re unsure about anything it’s better to always ask first!


Be a great house guest

Let’s say somebody has invited you to actually stay overnight on the yacht. Great! Which is your allocated room? How long can you stay? Does the host have a set agenda for those days?

Be adaptable and agreeable with the yacht charters plans and itinerary. It’s not a guest house or a hotel, yachts are different because you’re on sea and you require assistance of crew members and tenders helping you on and off on land. Best not to overcomplicate things for the host. Be a guest they will want to have again!

Well that concludes our quick 6 pointers to keep in mind when you go on a yacht. These were just a few do’s and don’ts.

Keep it in mind for any upcoming yacht experiences, and enjoy the wonders of yachting in Sydney Harbour.

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